Submissions for KRNT: A Literary Magazine are accepted on an ongoing basis. We are open to all literary forms and genres. We welcome literary and artistic experiments. Each submission is considered for publication in the upcoming issue. We accept simultaneous submissions but also expect the authors to notify us in case the submission has been accepted for publication elsewhere. We publish short stories, poetry, creative nonfiction, interviews and micro stories. There is no limit to minimum word count however it is recommended that the short stories may not exceed 5000 words. Submissions can be made via email and in pdf, doc, docx format.
We do not consider popular genres: romance, crime fiction, horror, fantasy, and conspiracy theories. We are literary snobs. We can consider science fiction or fantasy if the submission is at par with the writings of George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, and Ray Bradbury. Basically, we are interested in writings that comment and educate us on the human condition.
Please send your writings to