Call for Submissions
KRNT is pleased to announce a call for short stories for our debut issue.
We aim to gather a community of original thinkers and bold storytellers who dare to explore how technological breakthroughs are changing our literary and cultural lives. We want short stories about living with contemporary technology. Stories that engage with our fast-changing present and question the future.
The theme of our first issue is “Our Posthuman Future.” We generally do not plan to publish popular genres. Still, if you write like George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, or Ray Bradbury, you are welcome to send your work in any genre as long as your work engages with societal issues. We want your writing to make the reader think anew about the world.
KRNT values innovation and intellectual freedom. We value unique authorial voices. We seek works that reflect a unique philosophical vision.
We want to read your stories about our posthuman future. Limit your stories to 5000 words and send them to as .rtf files. Send your writings until the 31st of July, 2024.
Warm regards,
Editors, KRNT.